FEI Weekly

May 8, 2019

Uber drivers go on strike ahead of IPO and a modern approach to leadership.

Uber Drivers Go on Strike Ahead of IPO


Drivers for Uber and Lyft are planning to strike today to protest low wages as Uber prepares to follow Lyft onto the public market. Uber’s IPO is expected to be the largest among new tech stock debuts this year with an expected valuation of $80.53 billion to $91.51 billion on a fully diluted basis.

Top Tech for Business: Millennials vs. Tech Leaders

Yahoo Finance

Millennials in the technology industry see 5G, quantum computing, and digital payments among technologies having the greatest impact, while industry executives see blockchain, virtual reality and On Demand platforms among the top technologies for business transformation, according to a new report from KPMG.

4 Ways To Transform Your CFO Resume


Take your CFO resume to the next level and do away with the number-crunching resume you might have now by highlighting the implementation of financial strategies in alignment with the company’s future-stage needs, promoting your influence on culture creation, qualifying and quantifying scale, and asking yourself if you are leveraging new technology.

Tax Execs Remain Undecided on TCJA Impact

Accounting Today

Tax executives are undecided about the impact of tax reform, and they continue to seek regulatory guidance to understand how to structure their business, according to an annual tax policy forecast. Almost half of respondents saw their company’s taxes decrease under the TCJA, but executives don’t think they can adequately assess the law’s complete effect on their businesses without further clarifications.

A Modern Approach to Leadership


Today, information is available freely on the internet and there is global mobility. Letting go of the responsibility to lead all or be in control of everything creates space for inclusion and empowerment, thus, allowing the leader to be a beacon of possibility.