
David Townsend

David Townsend is the President and Chief Operating Officer of Troy-based Awecomm Technologies LLC. Awecomm is a pioneer in providing leading-edge IT management services for organizations that are ready to become digital leaders.  David has More than 25 years of experience as a business and technology leader who drives innovative change. He has particular depth in connecting people, process, and technology to meet the demands of the business.
As President of Awecomm, David is responsible for strategic leadership, organizational alignment, and service delivery. David also serves Awecomm clients, providing a critical strategic CIO role for small-midsize organizations across multiple industries.  David has extensive background in business leadership as it relates to technology capability and driving organizational results. This experience includes key leadership positions at Plante Moran, EDS, SI (custom IT solution provider serving Fortune 500 companies), and Authen2cate (custom IT security services firm).  It is with this depth of experience across multiple industries, David is able to connect business strategy with IT capability for Awecomm and their clients.  
In addition to David’s current role, he also serves on the IT Committee Board at the Judson Center.  Advising the non-profit on IT strategy and execution priorities. David earned his Bachelor’s Degree from Central Michigan University and his MBA from Oakland University with a concentration in Information Technology.