
Mr. Gurvinder Ahluwalia

Gurvinder Singh Ahluwalia is a global business technology executive, entrepreneur, field practitioner expert in Blockchain, IoT and Cloud. He has stewarded clients, industry, and open source communities through our recent waves of tech disruption from Internet to Web to Mobile to Cloud and now to Blockchain. His contributions are widely regarded by enterprises, startups, and media for seminal contribution to the industry in Blockchain and proving it as a next generation architecture for IoT.
Guri is the former CTO of IBM’s Blockchain | Cloud | IoT technical solutions unit covering North American where he was in core team of first experiments at IBM with Blockchain culminating in to a business unit.  Currently, he is Founder & CEO of Digital Twin Labs. In this role, his company partners with enterprises and start-ups to co-create strategy and new business models, produce architecture blueprint, implement Blockchain networks, and launch token-based venture formations. Gurvinder is also Co-founder & Chief Strategy Officer of funded pre-ICO stealth stage startup Beyond Protocol, Inc. based in Silicon Valley. 
His seminal contributions to industry and companies include: first Blockchain use case natively on IoT shared with the industry as IBM’s paper Device Democracy – cited by Economist et al media – and accompanying implementation proof with Samsung of a hack using Ethereum with called ADEPT; first production and first MVP – separately for start-up Everledger and an large enterprise – for provenance of global diamond supply chain using Blockchain; launch of first ever “tablet” based on embedded Linux by a US OEM; and second largest deployment in the world of packet-based routed network in commercial sector at the dawn of TCP/IP – the peer-to-peer original gangster!
Guri is a frequent and fondly sought speaker at events, including - #Davos, Fed Reserve, IoT Asia, AT&T, Google, MIT, Stanford, Berkeley, World Crypto Economic Forum, Interop, Institute for the Future, NIST, Samsung Dev Conference, IoT World, ARM Techcon, W3C.
Gurvinder earned his MBA from The University of Texas at Austin and MS in Computer Science summa cum laude from Jackson State University. He did his graduate research at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, University of California Berkeley. His B.Sc. is from St. Stephen’s College at University of Delhi.
Gurvinder Ahluwalia is an Honor Roll Inductee of the Cyber Future Foundation for his work in building a trusted cyberspace. He is an alumnus of IBM Academy of Technology.