Fort Worth Chapter SIG Event Mexican-Canadian Trade Agreements and implications for North Texas

Mexican-Canadian Trade Agreements and Implications for North Texas
Presented by: James Corrigan, Trinity Industries- President;  Luisa M. del Rosal, Southern Methodist University- Executive Director of the Tower Center; Terrance L. Pohlen, University of North Texas - Associate Professor of Logistics; Matt Rooney, Southern Methodist Universit- Managing Director

Program Description

Moderated panel discussion of three experts actively engaged in trade policy and strategy; forming tri-national trade coalitions; and cross-border trade.  The panelists will provide insight regarding current trade negotiations with Mexico and Canada; the issues, challenges and future directions of these trade negotiations; and the implications for DFW and North Texas. 

Learning Objectives

· Gain an understanding of the key provisions of the trade agreements being negotiated with Mexico and Canada

· Discuss how these trade agreements may affect specific industries, trade flows, and economies in the North Texas region

· Identify the key challenges and issues associated with moving goods over the US-Mexico border

· Understand the potential future directions trade negotiations may take and their effect on the DFW metroplex

Instructional method:  Group-live
Recommended CPE credits:  2.0
Experience level:  Basic
Prerequisites/Advance preparation:  None
Field of study:  TBD

 Strategic Investors:
Bank of Texas
Whitley Penn


2.00 CPE




Economics, Technical



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