Tennessee Unleashed: Company Distilling

Whiskey is one of those things that takes time and patience to make. Every step in the creation process is a moment for nuance. So, too, the drinking experience is enhanced by the company you keep. That’s the driving idea behind Company Distilling

Please join FEI Knoxville and Kris Tatum, President & Founder | Company Distilling, as he talks us through their 20-million-dollar investment in building a manufacturing facility and campus in Alcoa as well as a tasting room in Townsend. He will discuss the overall process of opening a distillery, startup costs, and more. 



Kris Tatum

President & Founder
Company Distilling


1.00 CPE




Specialized Knowledge, Technical



National Registry of CPE SponsorsFinancial Executives International (FEI) is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State Boards of Accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org.

For FEI CPE credits, one credit hour equals 50 minutes according to NASBA guidelines. Some states boards may differ on how many minutes constitute a credit hour. Contact your state board for more information. For more information regarding administrative policies such as complaint and refund, please contact our offices at 973.765.1029.