Thank you Godfrey & Kahn for presenting at our December CPE Session on CTA & FLSA.
Featured Speakers: Jordan Taylor, Rebeca Lopez, and Ashley McNulty
Reporting Requirements Under the Corporate Transparency Act
The Corporate Transparency Act took effect January 1, 2024, and requires certain companies to report information regarding individual owners and persons with substantial control over large and small businesses to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network. This presentation will provide important information that all companies should know about compliance with the CTA and the analysis that needs to be undertaken to understand whether and what individuals are required to file reports.
Accounting for Change: A Financial Executive’s Guide to the FLSA in 2025
Major regulatory changes and legal claims are significantly increasing labor costs. This interactive presentation will provide an overview of the recent and upcoming increases to the salary basis test and litigation trends driven by employee suits, while providing financial executives the tools and resources to navigate and mitigate the impact of these headwinds.