CANCELED - New Jersey Dinner Meeting: “Story Behind Creation of The Hub"

"Bridging the Translational Science Divide – Story Behind Creation of The Hub"

The event for March 15 has been canceled and if rescheduled, a new date will be communicated.

Join FEI New Jersey for a discussion on how the HUB came together, a $665 million investment by NJ in innovation, translational research, and medical education at the Hub in New Brunswick. This will include the development of Rutgers Translational Research Facility, NJ Innovation & Technology Hub, and relocation of Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School to the site.

Chris Paladino and Brian Strom will share with us the story behind how the Hub was conceived, its long-ranging strategic intent, and the financial structure that made this project such an attractive proposition for the State, Rutgers, and the Business Community.


Christopher Paladino

New Brunswick Development Corporation (DEVCO)

Brian Strom

Inaugural Chancellor
Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences