FEI Pittsburgh Reunion Reception

Welcome back.

After a year like no other, FEI is excited to welcome our community back to in-person networking.  We're planning vibrant events this coming year! Kick off this programming with us at FEI Pittsburgh's Reunion Reception at the Sentator John Heinz History Center on Tuesday, September 14th. 

Catch up with your network over cocktails and ample heavy hors d'oeuvres.  Enjoy access to all Heinz History Center exhibits.  Discover what FEI is offering this coming year, including a permanent national dues reduction, DE&I programming including regular Women of FEI events (open to everyone), and more!

This month we're not featuring a keynote speaker:  September 14th is all about catching up with your FEI network.  We're all tired of sitting down in front of screens for the past year - take this opportunity to reconnect, face-to-face, exploring Pittsburgh's history while setting the stage for our future.
Registration is now closed.  Contact FEI at [email protected] with questions.

FEI Pittsburgh events may include sustained periods of eating and drinking during which masks cannot be worn.  Please carefully assess your personal Covid-19 risk before planning to attend our events.  All registrants are subject to mask and social distancing policies as determined by our venues and local, state and national health authorities.  

Effective September 4th, 2021, the Heinz History Center announced that it was returning to its Temporary Mask and Safety Policy during regular museum hours.  Our event begins after the HHC closes to the public, so masks at this event remain optional.  

FEI Pittsburgh events are open to our members, sponsors, and invited guests.  Interested in attending an event?  Contact the chapter at [email protected] to inquire about registration.