Restaurant Trends and Impacts in our Region - Adam Golomb, CEO of Primanti's

Come and join your colleagues and friends as FEI Pittsburgh provides good food, great conversation, and continuing education.  This event will be held at Nova Place in Pittsburgh's historic North Side. Pittsburgh's own Primanti Bros. and Bistro to Go will be serving delicious food, while beer, wine, and select soft drinks will also be available during our networking reception.  

4:30-5:20pm Professional Development
5:00-6:15pm Networking Reception
6:30-7:30pm Welcome, Chapter Announcements & Keynote Address

Professional Development presented by Schneider Downs

Maximizing Enterprise Value/Transaction Advisory | 1.0 Credit of CPE (pending)

It is critically important for middle market companies to design and implement strategic or value creation plans that are applied versus theoretical to realize the benefits of an efficiently run company and the highest value upon exit.

At the end of the session, you will walk away with:

  • A proven process to baseline a company, identify and remediate its gaps
  • Best practices to measure, monitor, and report progress.
  • An understanding of why it is essential to have a deliberate strategy
Keynote Presentation by Adam Golomb, CEO Primanti Bros.
Adam Golomb will speak about trends in the restaurant industry, how they impact your business and also our region

This event is open to Members, Strategic Partners, and Prospective Members.  Prospective Members attend as our guests, so if there's someone on your team who would benefit from access to networking, top-tier professional development, and an open door to peers across the country, please invite them to join us!  Contact the chapter for easy prospect registration at .


Adam Golomb

Primanti Bros.

Thomas Springer

Shareholder—Transaction Advisory Services
Schneider Downs


1.00 CPE




Business Management and Organization, Non-technical



National Registry of CPE SponsorsFinancial Executives International (FEI) is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State Boards of Accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website:

For FEI CPE credits, one credit hour equals 50 minutes according to NASBA guidelines. Some states boards may differ on how many minutes constitute a credit hour. Contact your state board for more information. For more information regarding administrative policies such as complaint and refund, please contact our offices at 973.765.1029.