FEI Portland Social: Axe Throwing at Stickmen Brewery

Please join us for our FEI winter social event at Stickmen Brewery in Tualatin for an evening with Celtic Axe Throwers. Please arrive on time if you want to participate in the axe throwing fun. Celtic Axe Marshals will do a group 15 min training (no prior experience necessary) and then we will be broken into teams for some fun competitive games. If axe throwing is not your thing, please still join us for food, beverage and networking!

This event is open to Members, Partners, and Qualified Prospective Members.
Due to venue capacity, please no plus 1's.

Participants will be asked to sign a waiver at the venue CLICK HERE

For more info on Celtic Axe CLICK HERE

Closed toed shoes required

*Individuals who register as a Qualified Prospective Member must meet FEI's Membership Qualifications.