East Bay Local Pod In-Person Social Event

Non-Members who wish to attend: Please contact Dalyte, our Chapter Administrator.

Local Pods Program Background

The FEI SF Bay Area Local Pods Program brings in-person networking directly TO members in each of the major geographic areas in FEI SFBA’s operating territory – with the establishment of a “Pod” in four different regions – San Francisco, the East Bay, the North Bay, and South of SF. Each Pod has two hosts who will organize local get-togethers on at least a quarterly basis (happy hours, coffee meet-ups, etc.) in their region. This enables more intimate networking in local locations which are more convenient to members. Attendance at Pod events is not just be limited to the members in each region – members from other regions are welcome to join other regions’ events (e.g., a North Bay member is able to attend a San Francisco Pod event, etc.).