Featured Speaker

Mr. Patrick Hanraty

Patrick has been in the corporate finance community for over two decades.
Patrick Hanraty served as Principal of a Private Equity Fund, a Managing Director of a
Mergers & Acquisitions Investment Bank and is now a Managing Director at Solebury Capital — the country’s most influential equity capital markets advisory boutique and a leading global investor relations firm. Patrick has 20+ years of transaction experience both on Wall Street and Main Street. He has been involved in countless transactions and has occupied all the seats at the table as a buyer, a seller and an intermediary.
Patrick has spoken at numerous conferences (ACG, TMA, YPO, etc.), taught at multiple universities (Yale, Penn, Villanova, etc.) and been published in a variety of financial periodicals. He has served on both public and private boards.  Additionally, Patrick has been featured as a subject matter expert on numerous television and radio broadcasts.
Prior to his transactional experience, Patrick worked with L. William Seidman – the former Chairman of the U.S. Federal Deposit Corporation and Resolution Trust Corporation. Patrick ghost-wrote Bill’s memoirs, Full Faith and Credit; and cofounded one of the first private-market commercial mortgage securitization firms.
Patrick is a graduate of Yale University. He lives in Philadelphia, PA with his wife and two daughters.