Featured Speaker

Ms. Darcy Illg

Darcy Illg has 15+ years of experience heading Finance and Business Operations within global high growth services companies in roles ranging from Operations Manager to CFO. As a VP at Wells Fargo, she uses her experience at one of the world's largest banks to take a massive amount of rapidly changing data and siphon it into timely, meaningful intelligence for senior managers and executives.
Illg is also an appointed Lecturer at UC Berkeley Haas School of Business, where she teaches in the core MBA class, Leadership Communications, each Spring semester. In this class, Illg helps MBA students identify their authentic leadership style, learn how to connect deeply with others, and practice inspiring others through story.
Illg earned an MBA from Berkeley-Haas, is a Certified Management Accountant, and holds a Certificate in International Financial Reporting from ACCA. She has studied storytelling, voice and presentation skills with Professor Mark Rittenberg at Berkeley Executive Coaching Institute in Berkeley, CA, and with founding members of the Centre Artistique International Roy Hart in Malérargues, France.
Illg lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her two teenage daughters and her supportive husband, who left the business world behind to take care of his wife and daughters full time.  Illg's favorite activity (after playing with numbers in spreadsheets) is to sit down with good food, drink and friends to share stories, ideas and visions for the future.
LinkedIn:  linkedin.com/in/darcyillg